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Tindo Morgans

Brian Stuhl on Two J Classy Kitty
in original cavalry uniform helping
to "Celebrate the Morgan!"
September 2005 in San Marcos, Texas.

Barbara and Reveille - having fun!

Front and Center, the patriarch of the Tindo Family,
“Mac” McIntrye himself! -- flanked by his two daughters, Nancy on Blaze and Barbara on Reveille.


The Ladies of Tindo Morgans enjoying a ride together: Nancy on Clarendon, Trish on "Rio", Elaine on "Zita" and Barbara on Dream all enjoying a warm Texas summer day at Guadalupe State Park in 2005.

Quietude Romney is Elaine's favorite trail partner.

Romney obliges by taking her on calm, quiet, uneventful rides and drives when asked ... OR ...

Photo by Bill Olive

she can be seen blasting through the obstacles on a marathon course, taking Elaine to their Combined Driving Event win, whichever is asked of her.

Nancy and Clarendon are best buddies. They do everything together: ride, drive and play. Her most precious moments are spent under the starry Texas summer skies with Clarendon on their moonlit rides.


Trish Crochet is Barbara’s young daughter. At 15 months she could recognize Clarendon on sight, but couldn’t pronounce his name. She would call out "TINDO!" every time she saw him - - it seemed the perfect name!


The dear Small Town Ellie Ash takes young Trish into her charge.


Trish Crochet with John Lyons
at his 2001 clinic in Converse, Texas.

"Trish loves Ellie."

Trish and her friend "Love's Magic Breeze" aka "Rio".

Mac with his old 9N tractor and his grandson,
Eddie following in his footsteps.

Eddie and Phaon Pharms Sundancer Summer 2004

Ron Friesenhahn keeps us all well fed during our trail rides and camp outs!

Elaine McIntyre is a Master's Certificate winner and Barbara Friesenhahn, Nancy Stuhl and Elaine have all earned a Morgan Promoter's pin. They were all picked by their local Heart of Texas Morgan Horse Club for these honors.

The ladies of Tindo Morgans would like to send a big "Thank You!" to their loving, devoted husbands, G.E. "Mac" McIntyre, Brian Stuhl, and Ron Friesenhahn who have played a huge part in helping their dreams come true. We really appreciate the work Barbara’s son, Eddie Crochet, has done for us as Webmaster!

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